How Can We Help You


People are at the heart of any business but people management isn’t always easy. Whatever your business, HR Focus can support you to get the best out of your team and ensure you stay within the law.

General advice and support
Small businesses don’t always need a full-time HR team but there may be times you need professional support and advice. HR Focus can provide telephone, email or face-to-face HR support on a variety of issues whenever you need it. more…

Policies, standard letters and forms
Whatever size your business, you need employment policies to manage your people fairly and consistently. HR Focus can provide you with generic key policies and supporting documentation or work with you create tailored policies and processes to suit the culture and size of your company. more…

Management training
Leading a team can be the hardest part of a manager’s role. HR Focus run interactive generic and tailored training courses on a variety of subjects to give you and your management team the confidence to take control of your people issues. more…

Absence management solutions
Employee absence can be costly and difficult to manage. HR Focus can work with your business to analyse the root of the problem and offer practical solutions to increase your company’s overall attendance rate and therefore your productivity. more…

ER case management
Investigating and managing complex cases can be very time consuming. HR Focus can leave you to focus on your day-to-day role by independently investigating your discipline and grievance cases or preparing your defence for a tribunal claim. more…

Recruitment management
Ensuring you get the right people in your business is essential. HR Focus offer tailored recruitment solutions for all vacancy levels. We can provide you with a structured interview process, offer interview support or design and run your assessment centres. more…

Redundancies and restructures
Structural business changes can be an emotional time for those affected and very time-consuming for those managing the process.  HR Focus can help ensure you make the right decisions to improve the efficiency of your business and manage any process to ensure that you don’t fall foul of the law. more…

TUPE transfers
When buying or selling a business, there’s so much to consider, but failing to properly consult and communicate with the affected employees in line with the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations can be a costly mistake.  HR Focus can provide you with appropriate advice and template documents on take a more hands-on approach if required.  more…

Complementary HR ‘Healthcheck’
It’s always nice to know that you’re on the right track. HR Focus offer clients and potential clients a complementary, no-obligation HR Healthcheck.  We’ll visit you, look at your people systems and paperwork and provide you with a report of our observations and suggestions.   more…

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  • About Us

    Whether you’re setting up a new venture, developing a growing business or managing an established organisation, HR Focus can help you unravel the complexities of employment law, minimise the risks involved with managing your people and allow you time to focus on your core business.
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    HR Focus are based in Warwickshire but work all over the UK, both remotely and face to face